You finally have a date on the fishing rod and are happy like anything else. But then, the date turns into a disaster. Nobody is having fun, there is a frustrating and anything but pleasant atmosphere and both sides are wondering what they are doing here. Or you end up in the friend zone. And all because man (in this case) made a small but significant mistake. To avoid such a debacle in the first place, we summarize the most common mistakes that men should avoid.
Dates without a plan are a no-go
One of the most common reasons a date doesn’t go well is lack of plan. This is very common. Women notice particularly quickly if you have no idea and have not planned the date. You don’t have to plan everything 100%, but you should have a bit of a plan for how the date should go. Women like it when men know what they want. This also applies to planning the date, choosing a restaurant and the next destination after dinner, to name just one example. So invest some time in planning the date and think of something nice. Simply going to an Italian restaurant for dinner is not enough.

No or wrong topics of conversation
It is also very bad when you have no topics to talk about. For this reason, it is important to find out a lot about your date in advance. When you first get in touch on online dating sites, for example, you should find out what she likes, what interests she has, etc. Often the profile information already provides information about these things. Prepare yourself and address these topics, and you have a good topic to talk about. In the conversation, however, you should also pay particular attention to the next two points. Think about possible transitions to other topics in advance, otherwise you will at some point come to a point where both of them run out of things to talk about.
Talk about ex
It should be clear that you don’t talk about your ex on a date. In no way. Even if a woman asks you about it. If so, it is often a test to see how you react. Many of the men get involved and without their wanting to, they then talk to the current date about the ex girlfriend. It doesn’t matter whether you talk about them positively or negatively, it just doesn’t belong. An absolute no go! Skillfully avoid the topic of conversation and look for something new about what you can talk about.

The man in love with himself
Another no-go is the self-loving man, of whom there are unfortunately more and more. Even if you are successful, have a trained body, or whatever, nobody cares. So don’t even start to tell how hard the training was to get to this point, or how successful you are with your startup, etc. Or do you make music? One can certainly mention, but the self-loving chatter about how great your songs are and how many renditions they have on Spotify doesn’t interest your date. In the worst case, she is so annoyed after a short time that she breaks off the date.

Don’t invite the woman
And there is actually something like that. It goes without saying that the man invites the woman on a date. No matter what you have planned for the date. For example, if you decide to hold the date in a luxury bar, you have to pay for it. The question of paying, or sharing, or even worse, paying only for your own drink is definitely the end of everything that would otherwise have happened or would have come.
Failure to recognize the signs and miss the opportunity
Even if sex on a first date is a no-go for many women, that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible anyway. Many of the men do not recognize the signs or misjudge them. For example, you will miss a kiss and therefore most likely more. Getting the signs right can be very difficult, especially on a first date, but you still have to focus. Some men want to be good and decent on the first date, but completely miss the chance and slip into the friend zone, which is not good for both parties.
What mistakes did you make while dating and which ones were particularly bad? Please leave us a comment. If women are reading this, please tell us what your worst experience was in terms of dating mistakes.